Sharon Lynn Snelling
I’m inspired by light, color and contrast in my subjects. The way color is used in different countries and cultures fascinates me. I draw from my experiences living in Japan, Germany and Switzerland, plus extensive travels in Europe, Britain, Australia, Morocco, Hawaii and much of the continental U.S.
When I look at an object which most people would see as shades of single color, I see the spectrum of colors which combine to enrich that subject. As an artist, it’s my task to interpret, blend and layer those colors and present them to the viewer.
Among my subjects have been highly detailed paintings of flowers, fruit, Moroccan boats, a rusty 1949 Ford, baskets filled with argan nuts, herons and still lifes. My “Purple Rain” flower was one of the Stanwood-Camano Arts Guild’s paintings in the 2023 CAA Studio Tour guidebook and was also the winning watercolor in the Guild’s 2022 Art Aloft show.
“Waiting in Essoauria” was in the Stanwood-Camano Guild’s 2022 Color and Light show, a regional juried art show. Its companion “Dry Dock” painting was accepted into the NWWS 2023 Annual Waterworks Online Membership Exhibition and appears in the catalog for that show.
My two heron paintings, “Snowy Heron” and “Heron by the Shore” were chosen as banners by SCAAC and the city of Stanwood which are hanging on light poles in town.
I was commissioned to paint a piece by the Stanwood-Camano Historical Society titled “Music to My Ears” of an old horn from a gramophone. It was on exhibit there and is part of a card collection that was used as a fundraiser.
“Waiting in Essaouria” was selected to be on the shortlist of international artists for Le Venezie Watercolor Festival in Italy last year.
I have also participated in Art By the Bay on Camano Island, WA for several years and “Purple Rain” was selected as one of the featured artworks in advertising last year. I was also one of the featured artists in the Stanwood-Camano Art Guild’s Firehouse show during last year’s Mother’s Day Art Tour.
This year I showed my work during the Camano Island, WA Mother’s Day tour at a beautiful winery on the island, Edward Lynne Cellars.
Any of my work can be purchased as a fine art print. Prices are available on request and custom sizes can be made. Also, any painting can be processed on to aluminum for hanging in damp areas.
You can contact me about prices and shipping with the form below: